The long awaited Province Assembly (India Central) was
held from April 7th - 9th at Don Bosco Youth and
Catechetical Centre in Kolkata. The sisters in the province with Facilitator
Sr. Sujita SND were present for this important event in the history of the
Province. The theme chosen for the assembly was “Leadership for Service”, (Mary
as the model). The chapter began with a meaningful prayer ritual inviting the
Holy Spirit to guide and direct the three days deliberations. The first day was
concluded with the introduction, welcoming and with the input session ‘on the
role of a prophetic Religious life today’. The day also added its beauty and
color with the Platinum jubilee celebration of Srs. Mary Felicitas and Mary
After much prayer and reflection we had a series of
activities to enter into the process and prepare for naming Sisters for new
leadership for the next three years. Finally the desired names were sent to the
Generalate for confirmation. The Congregation Leadership Team (CLT) announced
the names: Sr. Joicy Madassery as province leader (provincial); Srs. Anita
Dungdung, Deepthi Mathew and Suja Sebastian as the Province Leadership Team
(PLT) members. The days of gathering were
very enriching, pleasant and was a joyful celebration of events that ‘Set our hearts on fire’,
guided by passion and compassion for our sisters and for the suffering
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